

The mission of the Spanish program at NMSU is to engage students in the discovery, learning, and critical study of the language varieties, literatures, and cultures of Spanish-speaking communities. The program promotes the use of all varieties of Spanish, including local varieties, and challenges assumptions of linguistic superiority. This empowers our students to make lasting contributions to their own communities and beyond.

Major and Minor

The Spanish major consists of 24 credits (8 courses) at the 300 and 400 levels, including requirements for grammar (SPAN 316/318) and composition (SPAN 317/319) for either non-native speakers (former) or heritage speakers (latter). As part of the 24 required credits, students must take SPAN 340 (Introduction to Spanish Linguistics) and SPAN 380 (Introduction to Hispanic Literature). There is also a two-year second language requirement (in French, German, Japanese, or Portuguese). The Spanish minor consists of 18 credits (6 courses). Like the major, students must take SPAN 316/318 and SPAN 317/319, with at least half of the additional 12 credits taken at the upper-division level.